Last Bits of November

I know, again my bad. It’s been so hectic! I am vowing to all my readers that I WILL update at least once a week! This mama needs to get caught up so we can all start talking about real things now! I’ll start with some random fun ones and end with a session Tabitha from Wellspring Photography did for us πŸ™‚

I walked in one day to find my nicely folded laundry apparently wasn’t folded well enough since Bean decided to help πŸ™‚

What mama? I’m helpin!

I think these socks go together mama πŸ™‚

There’s that blink πŸ™‚ Only a photographer’s kid right?

I freakin love his crazy faces!!!

During this month hubs and I bought our forever home…which meant we had to leave the home where we brought home our baby. Yeh. That was super hard for me. So so many memories…and powerful ones.Β  We became a family in that house. I wanted some of the every day remembered so I asked Tabitha if she would come do a lifestyle session…basically just photographing our typical routine so I could remember those days in our first home as a family.

Haha!!! That’s his trouble making face!

At the time he was about the craziest kid to dress that I’ve ever seen. Nowadays it doesn’t take this long but still….it’s rather wild.

He sure makes a lot of faces….don’t know who he gets that from;)

I can’t even tell you how many books we read in a day. This is one of my favorites, it reminds me of my Papa πŸ™‚

Yeh, when the book is all done so is Bean πŸ™‚

I allowed him to teethe on my jawline until his top teeth came in. I think I was his favorite teething toy!

We taught him sign language since we knew that he knew what he wanted nut couldn’t verbalize it yet. Really cut down on tantrums!

I always have two little ones in my lap. They are jealous of each other and I’m not joking!

Yup he’s kinda nuts!

At our old house he was gated out of the kitchen, and whenever I’d go in to the kitchen to make him a meal he just wanted kisses through the gate ::sigh:: who wouldn’t love that?


This was my favorite spot at our old house. We would sit there sometimes and just watch the world go by.

Walks are an everyday thing weather permitting. When it was just hubs and me we would still walk all winter long. Hopefully when Bean gets older he will like snowy walks too!

Yeh, he really loves walks!

This was the set up, doggie got tethered to the stroller because she was waaay easier to control.Β  If she would keep walking too far ahead I’d just shorten her leash a bit more.

Tabitha took way more photos but I felt some of them were too personal. I really miss walking the streets of our old neighborhood. It was so lovely. I am looking forward to this warm weather to get out there and meet our new neighborhood! Start making many many more memories πŸ™‚ I am also just loving these days with Bean. They’ve gone too quickly really and they are far beyond my expectations of what it would be like to be a mama. It’s what I’ve wanted most for my whole life and it’s like thousands of times better than even I imagined. I wish he would stay little forever. I love taking care of him, and cuddling him, and teaching him. For now he’s all mine and he’s ok with that πŸ™‚


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